"Life is a wheel of fortune and it's my turn to spin it." - Tupac Shakur
QUESTION: Day 15: Embracing Change - Change is a constant in the journey of life. Reflect on a significant change you've experienced and the lessons learned.
Tarot Spread- Synchronicity
Interestingly, today I did a tarot reading session and experienced a whirlwind of emotions. It's fascinating because, out of the five cards I drew, four seemed to emphatically point to the themes of "Change and transformation!" This aligns so closely with the subject you discussed, it feels almost as if the universe is gently nudging us/me in that direction. Such moments of synchronicity are incredibly powerful, aren't they? They feel like a deep, soulful hint that something significant is about to go down!!. The last few months, my own relationship with change is evolving in ways that I'm still trying to fully grasp. More to write a bit later....

What is the Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card?
Major Arcana card number 10 in the Tarot is The Wheel of Fortune. This card carries profound symbolism and is often seen as one of the most emblematic cards of fate and the cyclical nature of life within the Tarot.
Destiny, Change, Cycles, Luck, Fortune, Transformation, Turning Point, Movement, Fate, Karma, Life's Ups and Downs, Evolution, Opportunities.
"Life is a wheel of fortune and it's my turn to spin it." - Tupac Shakur
Interpretation & Action:
Embrace Change: The Wheel of Fortune signifies that change is not only coming; it is inevitable. This change could be for the better or might present challenges, but it is all part of the cyclical nature of life. Embrace it with an open heart, knowing that with every low, a high is on its horizon.
Understand Cycles: Recognize the cyclical nature of your life and the world around you. What phase are you currently in? Understanding this can help you align your actions with the flow of your life.
Acknowledge Forces Beyond Your Control: The Wheel reminds us that there are forces in life beyond our immediate control. Sometimes, you have to let go and trust in the turn of the wheel, that destiny has its plans for you.
Stay Optimistic: Regardless of the wheel's current position, maintain a sense of optimism. Fortunes can change quickly, and today's challenges could lead to tomorrow's breakthroughs.
Karmic Lessons: The Wheel of Fortune often hints at karmic forces at play. Consider what life lessons or karmic debts you might be working through at this time. How you handle current situations can influence your future cycles.
Be Prepared for Opportunities: Change can bring about unexpected opportunities. Keep your eyes open and be ready to seize them. The Wheel doesn’t stop turning, and when fortune is on your side, you want to be ready to take action.
Summary: The Wheel of Fortune is a powerful reminder of life's ebb and flow. Its appearance in a reading encourages acceptance of change, recognition of the cycles of life, and an understanding of the roles fate and destiny play in our journey. It advises us to stay adaptable, optimistic, and open to the lessons and opportunities each turn of the wheel brings.
What is Change?
The definition of "change" encompasses the idea of making or becoming different. This can refer to an alteration, transformation, or transition from one state, phase, condition, or place to another. Change can manifest in various forms and contexts, including physical, emotional, social, environmental, technological, and more. It implies a departure from the past or the current, leading to a new state or condition that is distinct from the original. Change can be gradual or sudden, planned or unexpected, and it can have positive, negative, or neutral impacts on individuals, groups, systems, and environments.
The definition of "change" encompasses the idea of making or becoming different. This can refer to an alteration, transformation, or transition from one state, phase, condition, or place to another. Change can manifest in various forms and contexts, including physical, emotional, social, environmental, technological, and more. It implies a departure from the past or the current, leading to a new state or condition that is distinct from the original. Change can be gradual or sudden, planned or unexpected, and it can have positive, negative, or neutral impacts on individuals, groups, systems, and environments.
The Parable On Change
"All that you touch You Change. All that you Change Changes you. The only lasting truth is Change. God is Change." - Octavia Butler
Imagine you're sitting with a friend, coffee in hand, as the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple. You're deep in conversation about the world's constant dance of transformation. "Change," you say, leaning forward, "it's like the universe's way of remixing its favorite songs. It's this magical process of shifting from one vibe to another, from one scene in a movie to the next, always keeping us on our toes."
You swirl your coffee, watching the ripples. "It's not just about swapping one thing for another, though. It's about evolution, revolution, and sometimes, just a new perspective on the same old scene. Whether it's the world around us or the world within us, change can sneak up in the guise of a new technology that reshapes how we live or an unexpected emotion that alters how we see ourselves and others."
As the evening air grows cooler, you continue, "And it's not all sunsets and rainbows. Change can be as abrupt as a plot twist in our favorite show, leaving us hanging on the edge of our seats, unsure of what comes next. It can be the gentle unfolding of a story that we didn't even realize was being written. But that's the beauty of it, isn't it? It keeps things interesting, challenging us to grow, adapt, and sometimes, to just breathe and ride the wave."
You pause, smiling at your friend. "Whether it's a leap into the unknown or a small step into a new room, change is this endless cycle of hellos and goodbyes, of endings birthing beginnings. It's the universe's way of showing us that nothing, not even the stars above us, stays the same forever."
As the sky darkens and the first stars appear, the conversation drifts, but the idea of change, with all its unpredictability and promise, lingers in the air like the night's first whispers of cool, promising adventure.
