because, in doing so, you are betraying the very core of who you are. When you constantly shrink to fit into the mold others expect of you—especially in spaces where your existence, your voice, even your breath is criticized—you are allowing others to dictate your worth. It teaches you to internalize their judgment and guilt, until their opinions become louder than your own truth.
Diminishing yourself to avoid conflict is a form of self-betrayal. It means you are choosing their comfort over your authenticity. It’s a survival mechanism, yes, but in the long term, it suffocates your spirit. You begin to live for others' validation, but that validation never comes, or when it does, it’s conditional, fragile, and fleeting. You become trapped in a cycle of silence, where your true thoughts, desires, and emotions are stifled for the sake of peace—a peace that is false and built on the suppression of your identity.
The world will always find a reason to diminish you if you don’t claim the space to stand fully in your power. When you diminish yourself, you’re sending a signal to yourself—and to the world—that you don’t deserve to take up space. You’re reinforcing the message that your existence is something to apologize for. And the more you conform to that narrative, the more you start to believe it.
What’s worse is that the criticism and guilt from others don’t disappear when you shrink yourself. They persist. People who seek to diminish you won’t stop because you’ve made yourself smaller; they’ll see your compliance as validation of their power over you. The more you give up pieces of yourself, the more they’ll demand. And with each piece surrendered, you lose not just your voice but the essence of your being—the parts of you that make you unique, powerful, and whole.
Conflict is inevitable when you stand in your truth, especially in environments that thrive on control, guilt, or manipulation. But conflict isn’t the enemy—losing yourself is. Avoiding conflict at the expense of your integrity only prolongs your suffering and solidifies the power others hold over you. Real growth, liberation, and self-respect come from choosing to stand firm, even in the face of discomfort. It means embracing the fact that your existence, your thoughts, and your voice are worthy of respect, even when the world around you tries to make you believe otherwise.
By choosing not to diminish yourself, you are reclaiming your right to exist fully, without apology. You’re refusing to participate in a system that profits off your silence. You’re choosing self-respect over the approval of those who cannot—and will not—see your worth. That’s where your power lies: in unapologetically taking up the space that belongs to you, no matter how uncomfortable it makes others. Because your existence, in all its fullness, is not something to hide or shrink. It is something to be celebrated.